
Hi, I'm sean.

My parents told my that I could read books at age 3. I’m not sure if they’re right or not. I was too busy reading to realize. But I do remember being so enthralled with the written word that it became an obsession. Comic books were created, short stories told, and plays written and performed for family and friends. This lead me to pursue Journalism at Centennial College to learn a different kind of story telling and then TV Broadcasting at Seneca for script writing. To this day, I’m most impressed with story tellers and vocabulary junkies. 


I got my first internship at Trapeze Media when I was 35 as a Junior Copywriter. It was an amazing chance and experience and even though I kept a graveyard shift during that time to pay the bills, I was always excited and invigorated when I would get to work, get to sit at a computer, and get to write. When they kept me on at the end of my internship, it was the realization of a dream. Jamming on ideas and blowing out new and interesting concepts is still something that makes me want to get in early and stay late. 


To be asked what I do and answer with the phrase, “I’m a writer” might seem pretentious to some, but to me it’s all I’ve ever wanted. I was made for this. And not a day goes by when I’m not grateful.


e: seano.butler@gmail.com / t: 416.616.7501